Why Language Immersion?

Language is the key that opens the door of opportunity. It unites and blends the lines of diversity

Early immersion in languages and their culture plants the seeds of bilingualism and biculturalism which are essentials tool for success in our global society.

One of the best ways to impart another language, especially if it’s not already spoken at home, is language-immersion learning. When they have direct access to native speakers and use a language in the context of social cues, young learners are most likely to be impacted long-term by the language. Children as young as 9 months showing significant phonetic learning from live exposure (as opposed to audio or audiovisual recordings), proving that language learning doesn’t require long-term listening, but rather social interaction and context. As a result, language-immersion preschool programs are becoming more and more popular.

The Earlier the Better

The earlier a child is immersed in another language, the greater his or her ability to become proficient.

Multilingualism has been proven to offer immediate cognitive advantages to kids and to help their brains work more efficiently.

Brain activity tests show that bilinguals have a heightened ability over monolinguals to monitor their immediate environment and keep track of what’s going on more efficiently.

Not only cognitive skills will improve, their socials abilities will also benefit from it.

Multilingual environment offers social experience that provides routine practice while considering the perspective of others, therefore empowering the basics skills of interpersonal understanding. It will give them superior communication skills and contribute to a broader perspective. (Kinzler, 2016).

A 2008 study published in Applied Developmental Science supports evidence that a bilingual child’s ability to operate between two languages strengthens mental flexibility, self-control/self-regulation and the ease of switching between mental tasks. More recent studies demonstrate the power of switching between two languages builds brain flexibility and improve creativity in problem solving skills.

Not only early childhood language immersion enhanced cognitive and social development, openness to other cultures but will also improve skills in the child’s native language.

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